المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : معبد سيتي الاول ابيدوس,معبد سيتى الأول المكرس لقاضى الموتى,معبد سيتي الاول بالأقصر,المعبد الجنائزي

ام رونزا
01-15-2019, 04:11 PM
أجمل معابد الدنيا هو معبد سيتى الأول المكرس لقاضى الموتى "أوزير" فى أبيدوس ,
إلا أنه بالقرب منه معبد بناه "رمسيس الثانى" بالقرب من معبد أبيه ,

لو حفظ لنا الزمن هذا المعبد لصار أجمل المعابد المصرية على الإطلاق على مر العصور ,
يتميز ببهاء ألوانه ومناظره البديعة التى تمثل ذروة الفن فى عصر إبن مصر البار "رمسيس الثانى"
About one third of a kilometer to the northwest of Seti I's well known temple at Abydos, on the western edge of the village of Beni Mansur, Rameses II built a temple for himself, which while not completely preserved, retains the details of its plan and many of its brightly painted reliefs that are possibly the finest in any monument ever built by Ramesses II. Indeed, this temple, with its pink and black granite door frames, sandstone pillars and a sanctuary of alabaster, must have been the most beautiful and richest among the temples that Ramesses II built. Judging from the quality of the scenes in low relief comparable to the quality of those found in the temple of Seti I, it seem unquestionable that the artists must have come from this earlier generation.
https://up.kntosa.com/uploads/kntosa.com_15_19_154756126107211.jpg (https://up.kntosa.com/)
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https://up.kntosa.com/uploads/kntosa.com_15_19_15475612611613.jpg (https://up.kntosa.com/)
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https://up.kntosa.com/uploads/kntosa.com_15_19_154756126144087.jpg (https://up.kntosa.com/)
https://up.kntosa.com/uploads/kntosa.com_15_19_154756126149968.jpg (https://up.kntosa.com/)https://up.kntosa.com/uploads/kntosa.com_09_18_154178842271222.gif

01-31-2019, 02:14 AM
https://betel3z.com/up/uploads/betel3z153720841212852.gif (https://vb.kntosa.com/showthread.php?t=2321)